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Pivots reduce stress on the frame by distributing the door weight throughout the floor and structure. By taking advantage of the structure strength, this makes a pivot the ideal solution for heavy doors. Center and pocket pivots also provide an aesthetic option for an opening. Ives offers a complete line of 3⁄4" offset, 1-1 ⁄2" offset, center hung, intermediate, pocket and power transfer pivots with all exposed parts made of brass or stainless steel for maximum corrosion resistance. The offerings include high strength brass and stainless-steel forgings, as well as castings for fire-rated and non-rated doors, combined with precision bearings for smooth operation. The positive locking vertical adjustment mechanism allows the installer to precisely position the door and balance the load.

Ives 101

For frequently asked questions, educational resources and technical product materials, visit the Pivots 101 page.



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    As part of Allegion’s family of pioneering brands, IVES benefits from the strength,
    efficiencies, resources, and integration from a global power. In turn, we pass those
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    Allegion helps keep people safe and secure where they live, work and visit. With more
    than 30 brands sold worldwide, we specialize in security around the doorway and
    beyond. It’s the power of one.

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